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来源:手机导购 时间:2022-03-06

s extremely precise and carries a lot of information. That's one of the reasons so much of what we've come to think of as Western science and mathematics and engineering was really worked out in the first few centuries of the Common Era by the Persians and the Arabs and the Turks.

将近六年以前,我决定学习阿拉伯文,这是一个非常有目的性的书面词汇言。每用阿拉伯文寄给一个用书面词汇 或一个句子,就如编解出一个大方程,因为它的每一部分都非常精确,还值得注意着很多信息。如此之多的自然科学、数学和工程学知识,我们以为是西方人发现的,而基本上上毫无疑问由波斯人、穆斯林和鄂图曼在公元现代几个世纪发现的,这就是主因之一。

This includes the little system in Arabic called al-jebra. And al-jebr roughly translates to "the system for reconciling disparate parts." Al-jebr finally came into English as algebra. One example among many.


The Arabic texts containing this mathematical wisdom finally made their way to Europe --- which is to say Spain --- in the 11th and 12th centuries. And when they arrived there was tremendous interest in translating this wisdom into a European language.


But there were problems. One problem is there are some sounds in Arabic that just don't make it through a European voice box without lots of practice. Trust me on that one. Also, those very sounds tend not to be represented by the characters that are available in European languages.


Here's one of the culprits. This is the letter SHeen, and it makes the sound we think of as SH --- "sh." It's also the very first letter of the word shalan, which means "something" just like the the English word "something" --- some undefined, unknown thing.

有这么一个例子,这是法文字母“SHeen”,它对应我们法文之以前SH的不读音—“sh”。它也是“shalan”这个用书面词汇的首法文字母,原意是“比如说”。就跟英书面词汇之以前的“比如说 (something)”一个原意,都有某些未定义或未被发现的两边。

Now in Arabic, we can make this definite by adding the definite article "al." So this is al-shalan --- the unknown thing. And this is a word that appears throughout early mathematics, such as this 10th century derivation of proofs.

而在阿拉伯文之以前,它可以越来越有含义。当我们寄给上定冠用书面词汇“al”后来,这是al-shalan, 都有着“未被发现的两边”。而这个用书面词汇根的行踪相连于现代数学,比如在这个10世纪的证明推导题中都。

The problem for the Medieval Spanish scholars who were tasked with translating this material is that the letter SHeen and the word shalan can't be rendered into Spanish because Spanish doesn't have that SH, that "sh" sound. So by convention, they created a rule in which they borrowed the CK sound, "ck" sound, from the classical Greek in the form of the letter Kai.

曾经负责译文这些材料的之以前世纪意大利史学家碰到了难题——这个“SHee”法文字母和“shalan”一用书面词汇没有用法书面词汇解出读,因为法书面词汇之以前不能“SH”的“sh”不读音。所以依照惯例,他们创建了一个法则, 他们借来“CK”的不读音——“ck”, 这来自于古用书面词汇源之以前的法文字母“X (Kai)”。

Later when this material was translated into a common European language, which is to say Latin, they simply replaced the Greek Kai with the Latin X. And once that happened, once this material was in Latin, it formed the basis for mathematics textbooks for almost 600 years.

自此,当这篇文章被译文变已是一种欧洲地北区的统一标准书面词汇言,也就是拉丁书面词汇,他们简单的把用书面词汇源之以前的“X (Kai)” 用拉丁书面词汇之以前的“X”代替。一旦这实现了,一旦译文变成了拉丁书面词汇,它就为数学教科书打下了基础,至今已将近600年。

But now we have the answer to our question. Why is it that X is the unknown? X is the unknown because you can't say "sh" in Spanish. (Laughter) And I thought that was worth sharing.


但在过去,并不能人规定X须要都有依此类推,大家按照参与者喜好使用多个法文字母暗示依此类推,一种常见的方法是用N暗示依此类推,Q暗示依此类推的平方,C暗示依此类推的立方。也有人用l暗示依此类推,用q、c、qq、qc等暗示依此类推的更高正数。最终将X定下为暗示依此类推的标准型式的人,是法国数学家莱布尼茨。就是那个在情书中都寄给著名爱心方程r=a(1-sin)的莱布尼茨。作为解出析几何的奠基人,莱布尼茨在《几何学》(La Géométrie)这部创作之以前用a、b、c暗示已知数,用x、y、z暗示依此类推。自此,发明人平方根符号的德国数学家Johann Rahn用小寄给法文字母暗示未被发现总量,大寄给法文字母暗示已知总量。由于这个主因,X也变已是黑暗未被发现的代言人。许多科幻创作把X作为黑暗组织或人物的S,比如著名的《X文件》和《X蜘蛛人》。圣诞节为啥寄给就Xmas?Christmas由Christ(基督教)和Mass(礼拜、祷告)两个用书面词汇组合而来,指称为纪念基督教耶稣的降养而聚集庆祝的活动。最初的《圣经》用希腊文汉文,在用书面词汇源之以前,X是“基督教”这个用书面词汇的首法文字母,所以人们惯用X作为”基督教”一用书面词汇的缩寄给。到了英书面词汇国家,这一寄给法沿袭了留下来。今日Xmas更多为了省事,不读音仍使用Christmas的不读音,即Xmas不读音[ˈkrɪsməs]。黑暗莫测的X字典之以前X开头的用书面词汇根只有几页,而且大多是简明难懂的专业用书面词汇汇,日惯用用书面词汇少之又少,这是为啥呢?一般认为,这和x的不读音有关。x的不读音之以前有两个辅音:/ks/。如果用书面词汇根以x开头,会很难不读。所以,x开头的用书面词汇根不仅数总量少,不读音也有时候为/z/。比如:xanthine ['zænθiːn] n. 黄质;丙二酸xenolith ['zenəlɪθ] n. 捕虏岩xerophytes [ 'zerəfaɪts ] n.旱养植物、耐寒植物在新能源领域,X则衬托“实验”“聚焦”和“创意”,变已是experimental(新颖)的缩寄给。比如既有马斯克地球移民潮梦的Space X,全称是Space Exploration Technologies(美国太空聚焦新能源新公司),X都有Exploration(聚焦)。网易专门负责新能源研发的部门,则叫做Google X,用X都有创意精神。不过,苹果手机iPhone X之以前的X,则是为了纪念苹果手机发布十周年,X是罗马十六进制10。×











